Do you know which intersection has the highest probability of getting into a traffic accident?
According to the Estonian Traffic Insurance Fund, the intersection in question is the Kristiine intersection in Tallinn. In 2022, there were 110 traffic accidents there, and as of 24.09.2023, there have already been 70 accidents this year, with the resulting damage already significantly higher than the total for last year.
41% of the accidents involve collisions with a vehicle in the adjacent lane, 37% involve rear-end collisions (following distance), and 6% involve collisions with vehicles crossing the intersection.
Things to consider:
👉 The intersection is large in size, so if you try to cross it while the light is still yellow/early red, some faster vehicles from the crossing road might already start with a green light, and thus you have found a new, not very friendly acquaintance.
👉 When starting on a green light, make sure that all vehicles crossing the intersection have finished crossing. You don’t know with which light the other driver started crossing the intersection, so there’s no need to forcefully assert your right of way. In the event of a traffic accident, you may also be held responsible, even if you started crossing the intersection with a green light. Road Traffic Act § 58 para 2 – When the green light of a traffic light comes on, the driver must give way to the driver who finishes crossing the intersection and to the pedestrian still on the roadway.
👉 When making a turn, pay attention to traffic signs and road markings before the turn, and also keep an eye on other vehicles alongside you. Changing lanes is not prohibited while making a turn, but when performing the maneuver, it is up to you to ensure its safety.
👉 When traveling from the city center towards Õismäe, be especially careful when changing lanes.
When driving, choose an appropriate speed and leave room for your own and others’ mistakes.