
From Food Delivery Dreams to Jailhouse Reality: A Tartu Man's Quest for Entrepreneurship Without a Driving License

In the realm of “What Not To Do 101,” a 36-year-old man in Tartu decided to embark on an illustrious career as a food delivery driver, with a minor oversight: he lacked a driving license. On the last day of January, this aspiring entrepreneur was caught by patrol officers in Annelinn, driving without the necessary legal document. Clearly, he thought, “Who needs a driving license when you have sheer determination?”

This wasn’t his first rodeo; he had been caught before, making his persistence not just admirable but also a slap in the face of legality. The police, probably in awe of his disregard for the law, had no choice but to arrest him right there in the driver’s seat.

Elevating the stakes, our protagonist wasn’t alone; he had passengers, including his own small child. Because, of course, when demonstrating how to flout the law, it’s important to have an audience, especially impressionable ones. He defended his actions by explaining he was just about to fetch his delivery bag before getting caught, as if the bag was the missing piece of his legal puzzle.

Following his innovative approach to starting a food delivery service, the man faced a misdemeanor procedure, and Tartu County Court rewarded his ingenuity with a 10-day vacation in jail. One can only hope that this stint behind bars and society’s resounding disapproval will inspire him and others to consider the novel idea of not endangering their loved ones and fellow road users in the future. Ah, the things one does for the love of food delivery!

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