Mitä siellä nyt tapahtui?

Sõle - Paldiski tien risteys Tallinnassa tänä aamuna. Kaveri ei kuitenkaan tehnyt mitään laitonta, vaan poistui tieltä suojasaarekkeelle punaisen valon sytyttyä. Ehkä vain värikäs kaveri, joka halusi parantaa aamun tyytymättömien tienkäyttäjien mielialaa?...

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What happened there now?

Sõle - Paldiski road junction in Tallinn this morning. However, the guy did nothing illegal and left the road to a safety island after the red light was lit. Maybe just a colourful guy who wanted to cheer up the morning's disgruntled road users?...

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The U-turn!

How can you make your day, and the day of everyone around you, an unforgettable one that will be talked about for years? The woman behind the wheel of the blue car says it's as simple as a simple U-turn on a busy motorway. And...

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Finn: this is only possible in Latvia and Estonia!

The author of the video describes that during all the 16 years of driving, he has met such passes three times. All of them were in Latvia or in Estonia during the last 4 years. He doesn't remember anything like that from outside the Baltics....

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